Looking for more energy, mental clarity, better sleep, fat loss, or just better overall health?
What are Ketone Supplements?
Ketone supplements are products containing the ketone betahydroxybutyrate which quickly increases ketone levels. Exogenous ketone supplements (originating outside the body) were only available to researchers until early 2016. Before that, we could only increase ketone levels within our body when fat breaks down during fasting/starvation, a “keto” (ketogenic) diet or by taking coconut oil, palm kernel or MCT oil which is extracted from coconut or palm kernel oil. Some people experience diarrhea with even small amounts of these oils, so taking ketone salts could help with that. Technological advances have made ketones available as salts so that they can be taken as a drink. This new technology developed at University of South Florida makes it possible for us to drink ketones as salts to increase ketone levels to a therapeutic level within 30 mins with little, if any, intestinal discomfort.
I have been taking coconut and MCT oil for more than 10 years and now personally benefit from taking Pruvit ketone salts on a daily basis as well. I travel often and take MCT//143, my MCT oil, coconut oil and phosphatidylcholine mixture is available through Pruvit in convenient 15 ml sachets. I’m extremely excited and passionate about the advancements in the exogenous ketone supplementation, the care taken to balance the salts (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) and create new products–cold drinks, teas, broths in many flavors with and without caffeine.
For infants, children, elderly adults and people with medical conditions it is important to talk with your physician before beginning any ketogenic diet or ketone supplement. I do not recommend ketogenic diets or ketone supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding women, since women in these conditions are naturally already in ketosis and could develop ketoacidosis; safety studies have not been conducted in pregnancy or breastfeeding. While coconut oil and MCT oil are generally recognized as safe, the FDA does not recognize ketone salts as effective for any specific health claim.
Beneficial Effects of Exogenous Ketogenic Supplements on Aging Processes and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases. Kovács Z, B Brunner, C Ari. Nutrients V. 13, no. 7 (2021): 2197.
Nominal commissions from Amazon and other companies for some products help fund this website and email response at ketones08@gmail.com.
Ketone Esters
Article: Ketone Esters: What, Why, and How?
KetoneAid KE4
Ketone ester (D-betahydroxybutyrate + D-1,3-butanediol)
Veech/Clarke ester – “Scary Cherry” A little scary 🙂 but improved – Highest peak ketone level per equivalent dose of BHB products. Subscribe and save 10%. Use discount code MTN for free shipping.
3 Bottle Pack – $89.95 = $1.00 per gram BHB BUY NOW
12 Bottle Pack – $354.95 = $0.99 per gram BHB BUY NOW
Bulk price 36 bottles – $999.95 = $0.93 per gram BHB BUY NOW
Kenetik Concentrate – Good value and taste
Mixture of D-BHB and R-1,3-Butanediol (Not combined as ester) – 12 gm D-BHB per serving – 4 servings/bottle – Three citrus flavors – Great D-BHB levels – Good Value at $53.14 for 3-pack (12 servings x 12 gm BHB) – $0.37/gm BHB BUY HERE
Kenetik Ready-to-Drink Carbonated Beverage – 3 flavors
Mixture of D-BHB and R-1,3-Butanediol (Not combined as ester) – 12 gm D-BHB per serving
6-pack with 12 grams/can = $29.94 = $0.83/gm BHB BUY HERE
KetoUp Carbonated Beverage from Pruvit – Many great flavors
Free D-BHB buffered – Root beer, orange, cherry, raspberry & other flavors
6 Cans with 10 grams BHB per serving – $35.50 = $0.59/gm BHB BUY HERE
Search under “Ketones” button
Cognitive switch is now “Qitone“. New name and new look!
Qitone Flavorless Powder
A truly flavorless ketone ester powder. Looks creamy in water, coffee, tea, or you can add to other favorite drinks.
Each scoop = 12.5 grams betahydroxybutyrate (BHB). I suggest starting with 1 level tablespoon = about 4 grams BHB once or twice per day, then increase every few days as tolerated.
$99.99 for a 30-serving bag of 12.5 grams in each scoop = $0.40 per gram BHB BUY NOW
Delta H Ketone Health
Veech/Clarke ester – Ketone ester (D-betahydroxybutyrate + D-1,3-butanediol) – 10 gm BHB/bottle
3 Bottle with 10 grams per bottle = $40.00 – $1.33/gm BHB – BUY HERE
Ketone Salts
Ketone Salts Explained
Using Ketone Salts in the Elderly and People with Medical Conditions
Combining Ketone Salts with a Low-Carb Diet
Keto Start from Audacious Nutrition
With Caffeine – Raspberry Lemonade
No caffeine – Tropical
10 grams betahydroxybutyrate (BHB) per packet
Great Price – $0.50 per gram BHB – BUY NOW
Keto//OS Nat -Ketone Salts, Broths, KetoUp Carbonated Drink by Pruvit
KETO//OS NAT contain a specifically engineered ratio of proprietary ketone mineral salts that provide a high-energy fuel compound without having to incorporate an energy-restricted diet. The “Nat” products use a natural fermentation process to produce the ketone betahydroxybutyrate. Pruvit offers numerous flavors: MCT//143, Keto//OS Nat, Keto OS/Pro, and Keto Broth (high protein bone broth with ketones). The 60-hour Keto Reboot Kit is designed to enhance intermittent ketosis and is available for one week each month. Also look for the 10-day starter kit with 20 servings and the 24-hour fast kit.
Buy Ketone Salts Now
MCT//143 by Pruvit
MCT//143 is designed by Dr. Newport and provides a mixture of a virgin organic coconut oil, MCT oil from coconut oil and phosphatidylcholine, which is abundant in the brain cell membranes, helps transport omega-3 fatty acids into the brain and contributes to memory. This is the mixture she created to help her husband Steve with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Available in single serving sachets or in an economical 17-ounce bottle BUY NOW
Look under “Support Products”
Keto Kreme by Pruvit
Keto Kreme is a delicious blend of coconut oil powder and MCT oil powder with natural flavors and other special ingredients…perfect in coffee or tea or make Keto Kreme whipped cream as a topping.
Click on Shop Now for one-time and smartship monthly orders. With Smartship you save 22%. Click Join as a Pruver to earn free product and commissions. Watch for 17 to 33% sales usually during holidays or end of month.
Trouble digesting MCT or coconut oil?
Pure Encapsulations Pancreatic Enzymes could help!
Sports Research High Lauric Acid MCT Oil, 128 oz
About $88 for 256 servings of 1 tablespoon!
High in C12 – lauric acid (32%) – Most MCT oils have 1% or less
Also contains C8 (42%) and C10 (26%)
Clear and odorless, mixes well into many hot and cold foods and drinks
Lauric acid is antimicrobial and stimulates ketone production in cultures of astrocytes.
A pilot study with this MCT oil composition in cognitively healthy older people in Australia showed improved cognitive scores and no significant change in lipid profile.
Also available in 16-ounce, (about$17) and 32-ounce (about $26) bottles
Sport Research MCT also available as pure C8 and the standard C8/C10 mixture.
Nutiva Certified Organic MCT Oil
Standard MCT blend of about 60% C8 (tricaprylic acid) and 40% C10 (capric acid)
Clear and odorless
C8 is the most ketogenic, but C10 improves tolerance and stimulates multiplication of mitochondria. C10 also has anticonvulsant properties.
Available in 16-ounce to economical 128-ounce containers for $20 to $63.
Nutiva Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil
Cold-pressed, high-quality oil
Virgin coconut oil is half lauric acid, contains C8 and C10, and is enriched with many vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant polyphenols.
Available in many sizes including economical 54 ounce, 78 0unce, and 128-ounce
Soft white powder that blends wonderfully into coffee, tea, and many foods
Great price at about $16 for a 1.25-pound container.
C8/C10 blend of MCTs – Soft white powder that blends well into coffee, tea, and many foods
Priced at about $31 for 1-pound container.
Creamy Coffee or Tea Recipe:
Blend 1/2 to 1 scoop each of powdered MCT and powdered coconut oil into coffee or tea. Use a hand-held frother or a blender.
Hand-held battery operated.
Amazing job blending MCT and coconut powder into coffee or tea
Also great for mixing ketone salts!
Many color choices – only about $14
Trouble digesting MCT or coconut oil?
Pure Encapsulations Pancreatic Enzymes could help!
A caregiver recently reported to me that her husband did not tolerate even small amounts of MCT oil until she gave him this formulation of pancreatic enzymes which contains 500 mg of enzymes per capsule. This could also help people who are taking coconut oil or have trouble digesting the higher amounts of fat in a ketogenic diet!
60 capsules for about $40 180 capsules for about $100
For product questions and information email us at “Ketones08@gmail.com”.
Nominal commissions from Amazon and for some other products help fund this website and email response at ketones08@gmail.com.
Also on this website:
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, & Dementia
Keto Diet
Articles by Dr. Newport
Ketone Research Articles
Ketone Supplements
Books & Keto Monitors
Supplies for Caregivers